In The Cinema - "for the struggle"

"In The Cinema describe themselves "beat driven folktronica". That immediately sent up a red flag. But I'm happy to report their album "For The Sruggle", minus a few missteps production-wise, is a rather pleasant journey. Picture, if you will, sitting on a couch made of clouds, whilst struggling to talk to your girlfriend (whom is laying across you on said couch), so instead of speaking, you sit there thinking while playing with the tv remote and channel surfing. This is what "For The Struggle" sounds like to me. Most of the songs move along at a leisurely pace, with the tempos only picking up here or there, but over all they take you on a calm ride through personal questions and revelations. My only complaint here is that some of the electronica touches feel out of place on a few tunes. But when they are done tastefully (and more often than not, they are) it's a rather sweet companion to the lovelorn folk musings going on here. I can't say I was all that familiar with "folktronica" before hearing In The Cinema, but this album, "For The Struggle", makes me want to investigate more. If that isn't a sign of good music, I don't know what is."
Rating: 7/10
- Jay Mazeffect

A beat-driven folktronic duo, blending classic acoustic tones and ambient electronica