Anthony Walker - "the sea goes on forever"

"Anthony Fiumano and Robert Zimmerman have a lot in common. Robert Zimmerman started out as an acoustic folk singer, with strong lyrical content, as did Anthony Fiumano. Zimmerman went electric and started a full on rock band, so did Fiumano with the Medicine Chest. Robert Zimmerman changed his name to Bob Dylan, and now Anthony Fiumano has changed his name to Anthony Walker.

I'm not trying to say that Walker is the next Dylan, there is no next Dylan, Dylan is one of a kind. Walker is one of a kind also, an amazingly talented artist, who has decided to follow up his electric album, "when strangers say hello", with a stripped down 3 song EP, "the sea goes on forever". The three songs have more feeling and are more moving than most songs on a full length album. This is definitely recommended listening.

While Personally I thought Fiumano was a more memorable name, as long as Anthony Walker continues to make good music, I don't care what he calls himself ." - Lazlo

“With only an acoustic guitar and a collection of focused, introspective songs, Anthony Walker began playing for local audiences two short years ago. But in that time, he has developed a unique sound that blends a deep respect for tradition with rock, folk, and R&B music.

His acoustic performances carry a weight and intensity that is not commonly found in many of his contemporaries. Walker has drawn comparisons to great folk and rock artists of generations past, but is carving out a path that is all his own. He captivates audiences with lyrical prowess and a voice that can be both powerful and raw or delicate.

Always striving to build on his success, Anthony began playing with a group of musicians dubbed The Medicine Chest. With The Medicine Chest behind him, Walker is bringing new energy to the songs that earned him a reputation as one of the area's premier songwriters.

The July 2008 release of his debut album, "When Strangers Say Hello," marks a new direction for Walker. The album contains songs that span the first few years of his career, and range from introverted folk ballads to cascading guitar anthems. With a constantly widening scope and a cultivated sense of musical tradition, he is sure to take his craft to a level that will be hard to ignore.