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Laree Cisco - "Woe is Me"

"Hands up, this is a robbery". "But you've taken everything I have".

Hard to follow up and say something clever after a great line. New Jersey based artist, Laree Cisco, is full of sardonic humor and clever wit. Yes, he'll make you smile with his prose, but his rich soulful singing quickly draws you in, as you hang onto every word. Personally, he could sing a menu and I'd love it. His voice is that good.

"Wrote the song during the 50/90 music challenge. It's the insane thing where you have to write 50 songs in 90 days. Just lyrics, not an album of demos like February Album Writing Month. I usually get a few songs out of it that are usable. I guess the song is just about a guy lying on the floor in the fetal position, thinking about all his bad decisions, and watching the world crumble all around him. The "Shut up" line is actually me telling myself to shut up, and stop writing these depressing songs." - Laree Cisco