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Sean Marshall - "Hammer"


Sometimes all you can do is watch,wait and be on the ready. “Hammer” by Columbus Ohio’s Sean Marshall(uprooted from the Jersey shore) delivers a beautiful performance with a calming introspective approach.

For fans of Dawes

" Hammer" is one of those "Elephant in the room" kind of songs. I wrote it at a time where I was sort of forced to watch someone I care a lot about go through something hard without being able to really do anything about it. I know that's vague, but if you've ever seen a loved one make a life choice but were only really able to stand by and let them do it, no matter how painful it is for them, you know what I mean. The 'hammer' in the song is that thing you use to occupy yourself during those times- the work you do and the noise you make to keep yourself busy on your own, in hopes that the person and the relationship will come back as strong as before. In a really typical way, it's symbolic of your work, your distraction, and actually what you are using to build a stronger relationship- one based on trust. -Sean Marshall